Error: Compile error in hidden module...incompatible with this version, platform, or architecture...
Description: This error is generally encountered when the debugger is triggered while the VB editor is locked, typically due to sharing restrictions. It occurs often when declaration statements for SmartView code has not been updated to the 64 bit version syntax.
1) To access the VB editor, toggle the shared property. Occasionally, the file will not appear to be shared. However, turn sharing (legacy or new) option on then off. 2) Once access is allowed to the VB Editor, replace the SmartView declaration statement with the new syntax below.
Old Syntax: Declare Function HypMenuVRefresh Lib "HsAddin.dll" () As Long
New Syntax: Private Declare PtrSafe Function HypMenuVRefresh Lib "HsAddin" () As Long
1) To access the VB editor, toggle the shared property. Occasionally, the file will not appear to be shared. However, turn sharing (legacy or new) option on then off. 2) Once access is allowed to the VB Editor, replace the SmartView declaration statement with the new syntax below.
Old Syntax: Declare Function HypMenuVRefresh Lib "HsAddin.dll" () As Long
New Syntax: Private Declare PtrSafe Function HypMenuVRefresh Lib "HsAddin" () As Long
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